canprot - Chemical Analysis of Proteins
Chemical analysis of proteins based on their amino acid compositions. Amino acid compositions can be read from FASTA files and used to calculate chemical metrics including carbon oxidation state and stoichiometric water content, as described in Dick et al. (2020) <doi:10.5194/bg-17-6145-2020>. Other properties that can be calculated include protein length, grand average of hydropathy (GRAVY), isoelectric point (pI), molecular weight (MW), standard molal volume (V0), and metabolic costs (Akashi and Gojobori, 2002 <doi:10.1073/pnas.062526999>; Wagner, 2005 <doi:10.1093/molbev/msi126>; Zhang et al., 2018 <doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06461-1>). A database of amino acid compositions of human proteins derived from UniProt is provided.
Last updated 2 months ago
6.64 score 3 stars 1 dependents 46 scripts 374 downloadschem16S - Chemical Metrics for Microbial Communities
Combines taxonomic classifications of high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequences with reference proteomes of archaeal and bacterial taxa to generate amino acid compositions of community reference proteomes. Calculates chemical metrics including carbon oxidation state ('Zc'), stoichiometric oxidation and hydration state ('nO2' and 'nH2O'), H/C, N/C, O/C, and S/C ratios, grand average of hydropathicity ('GRAVY'), isoelectric point ('pI'), protein length, and average molecular weight of amino acid residues. Uses precomputed reference proteomes for archaea and bacteria derived from the Genome Taxonomy Database ('GTDB'). Also includes reference proteomes derived from the NCBI Reference Sequence ('RefSeq') database and manual mapping from the 'RDP Classifier' training set to 'RefSeq' taxonomy as described by Dick and Tan (2023) <doi:10.1007/s00248-022-01988-9>. Processes taxonomic classifications in 'RDP Classifier' format or OTU tables in 'phyloseq-class' objects from the Bioconductor package 'phyloseq'.
Last updated 1 months ago
5.89 score 4 stars 8 scripts 368 downloads